Thursday, December 16, 2010

Daddy's Home-Poetry by Cher

Daddy's Home, Poetry by Cher

Out the front door I stepped

As he pulled into the drive

His face covered full with hair

Like that of Santa's pride.

Who was this man before me?

My father's friend I was sure

I started off to tell him

That my father was not here.

So long gone was he away

To a child it seemed forever

Like a dream that never ended

But soon would get much better

With the puzzled look he gave

As I'm sure I had one too

He opened up his arms and said boy did I miss you!

Just like in a movie

My heart was pounding loudly

The longest foot I ever ran

into the arms of Daddy!

Cheryl L. Edwards

Copyright ©2008 Cheryl L.Edwards

Writers take notice, a must see if you are ready to make some money!
Please Read -Disclaimer I am not a professional poet. I can only offer advice and my personal knowledge on the subject.

Writers take notice, a must see if you are ready to make some money!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Who Sees?-Poetry by Cher

Who Sees?--Poetry by Cher
Who Sees the seasons changing
Who Sees the Earth thats raging
Who Sees the Fear in our eyes
Who Sees the Babys die
Who Cares what a mess we are in
Who Cares that our is Future glim
Who Cares what we can do
Who Cares , how about you?
Who will step up and save the day, or is much too late already?
Who will stand and see the truth , through Politicians that rule so steady?
Who will open the blinds put infront of our eyes
Who will stop them before we all die?
Why is it always the "little person" who can see
How horrible this world has come to be
With Earthquakes, Tornadoes,  Hurricanes, and death from the Seas
Are we really just numbers? Not Human, Not Hurting
Who Sees, Who Cares, Who will finally fix this mess?
Are we too late?
Copyright Cheryl Edwards 2010
Please Read -Disclaimer I am not a professional poet. I can only offer advice and my personal knowledge on the subject.

Writers take notice, a must see if you are ready to make some money!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Tar Balls by Cher

Tar Balls by Cher
Tar Balls, Tar Balls
That's all we hear these days
Oil spewing from beneath
How can we think its safe?
Our Oceans are poisoned by
Big Business Oil
Our Beaches are saturated by
The ones who made it spoil
How can we continue to let these people drill
Off shore is full of unknowns
Will we learn from this spill?
If the powers that be have any say
Our Earth won't stand to stay this way
She will rise up in anger, and strike with a mighty hand
To all that continue to abuse her land
Open your eyes Oh mighty Ones
You must see the death toll coming our way
You must see the horrible pain in our wake
The sadness that looms very close to our heads
Keeps all the little ones up in their beds
Will tomorrow come for these tiny ones
Or will the Mighty Powers close their eyes
And only See Money, the dollar signs that rise
Will they say "oh well, it's not I who will fix this mess"
Then we wait and wonder what comes next!
Earth is telling us! Someone needs to listen!
Copyright Cheryl Edwards 2010
Please Read -Disclaimer I am not a professional poet. I can only offer advice and my personal knowledge on the subject.

Writers take notice, a must see if you are ready to make some money!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Pain By Cher at Poetry by Cher

Pain by Cher
Pounding loudly, but no one else can hear
Blinding the eyes, but no one else can see
Banging, Slamming, Sounds so loud they pain
How can you not see what is happening!
Darkness can be a great sight to see
Silence can be the loudest sound to me
Dampness  a cold that feels so good
Sliceing through this mixed up neighbourhood
How pain is so subjective
The doctors cannot know
What truly hurts , what pain is real
They think you put on a show
Pills, oh pills, they are but a bandage
To cover up the symptoms
For now, a cure they cannot manage
The illnesss that cannot be seen
The pain within cannot be relieved
The ones who say, "you hurt yeah right"
To feel it would be cause for fight
If only they could feel what you do
If only they could know just a little
Of how you feel so bad
Then there would be a breakthrough, you can bet on that!
Fight for the things you know
Fight for the one's who don't
Fight for the cure one day
Don't give in, Don't let them stand in the way!
Copyright @ Cheryl Edwards 2010
Please Read -Disclaimer I am not a professional poet. I can only offer advice and my personal knowledge on the subject.
Writers take notice, a must see if you are ready to make some money!