Thursday, December 16, 2010

Daddy's Home-Poetry by Cher

Daddy's Home, Poetry by Cher

Out the front door I stepped

As he pulled into the drive

His face covered full with hair

Like that of Santa's pride.

Who was this man before me?

My father's friend I was sure

I started off to tell him

That my father was not here.

So long gone was he away

To a child it seemed forever

Like a dream that never ended

But soon would get much better

With the puzzled look he gave

As I'm sure I had one too

He opened up his arms and said boy did I miss you!

Just like in a movie

My heart was pounding loudly

The longest foot I ever ran

into the arms of Daddy!

Cheryl L. Edwards

Copyright ©2008 Cheryl L.Edwards

Writers take notice, a must see if you are ready to make some money!
Please Read -Disclaimer I am not a professional poet. I can only offer advice and my personal knowledge on the subject.

Writers take notice, a must see if you are ready to make some money!