Never allowed to be a kid
Never allowed to be a child
Never allowed to be a man
Never allowed to be un hid
He sang the songs the world will never forget
He danced the dances we had never before seen
He wowed the world with his endless talent
He suffered alone trying to fill a need.
A need to be loved , and a need to care
A need to be hugged, but no one was there
A need to be him, but was never to be
Michael Jackson wanted to be , just be....
The pain in his lyrics will live forever on
Listen to the words and hear his pain full song
He cry ed out for help, and no one came through
He wanted to love, but to his self couldn't be true.
The great King of Pop, is gone but not in our hearts
As the Cd's , videos and all stuff him will be carted
To our homes, libraries and places to remember him well
Now in death they will sell sell sell
I hope the world can see what we've done
To a boy, a man, a person who wanted to belong
He may have been rich, but what we don't see
Is how poor, sad in life he really could be.
Written by Cheryl Edwards June 2009
Copy rite @2009 Cheryl Edwards
Please Read -Disclaimer
I am not a professional poet. I can only offer advice and my personal knowledge on the subject.