Tuesday, June 24, 2008


The Family

Close family knit so tight
Come together and start to fight
They love each other but begin to smother
So to breathe they have to go....
No one wants to admit to wrong
Everyone sings their own little song
To be right is the key
But the door stays shut tight....
Over and over again it goes
But only a few will feel their woes
Some will hurt so very bad
And the rest will go home sad....
Love thy family is what they say
The past is gone so live for today
For blood is really thicker than water
To thin it out would be dishonor...
Tomorrow's just another day
But to some the day has dawned....
So sing their praises sing them now
And hope the hurt will pass somehow.....

Cheryl Edwards
Copyright ©2008 Cheryl L.Edwards

Please Read -Disclaimer
I am not a professional poet. I can only offer advice and my personal knowledge on the subject.

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