Monday, July 14, 2008

Poetry by Cher- How to get published

Poetry by Cher-How to get published.

There are so many places to get published online. The resources are there, you just have to check them out thourouly. Watch for publishers that want money upfront, I wouldn't fall into that trap.
Places like are a great place to start. They publish your poems and for a small fee you can buy a book or a book on tape
You can also enter contests, and there are word play games within the site.

There are other publishers online, good ones, all I can say is check them out. Make sure they will follow up with what they offer and as I said above......never pay out anything in advance.

I will check out some more sites and get back to you about who's the best to go with.

For now keep on writing, its good therapy and doesn't hurt to have plenty to work with.

Writers take notice, a must see if you are ready to make some money!

Please Read -Disclaimer
I am not a professional poet. I can only offer advice and my personal knowledge on the subject.

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